Monday, June 30, 2008

More Vacation

Alex just returned from vacation in Park City, Utah today. He had a great time, but he is ready to go back to school tomorrow. Here are some pictures and videos from Park City.

With his travel group: Carlos, Amy, Rachel, Mommy, Alex, Daddy, Jenni, and Gary.

He has also hit some major milestones in the last week: he has 2 new teeth (6 total), he can sit up on his own, he can pull up onto furniture, and he can (sort of) crawl lifting his belly off the ground. Maybe it was the sunshine...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Park City - really nice so far

We're on our 3rd day in Park City and everyone is having a great time. Alex went for his first bike ride yesterday (in the trailer). And today he went to the Olympic Park to watch the aerial skiers and watch Mommy do the zip line. He has also been swimming, to the park twice, and has practiced lots of crawling and standing. We're having great weather.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tummy Crawling

Alex has been crawling commando-style on his tummy off and on for a couple of weeks. He is starting to transition from rolling to this type of crawling to get around on his own. A video is below. He still prefers walking whenever he can get an assist. He also did a complete 'pull up' to standing from sitting right before and during a bath.

Alex is going on vacation to Park City Utah this week with Mommy, Daddy, and friends.

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20

Alex had a good week. He is looking forward to a family vacation in Utah next week. Daddy was gone Mon.-Wed. and Mommy was gone Wed. through Fri. so this week was a little hard. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Felton for helping.

Alex has been working on walking, crawling, and his 'fine motor' skills like stacking blocks and turning pages. Here is a stacking blocks video.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Alex gave Dad a great card for Father's day. He had breakfast with Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa Felton, Grandma Felton, Aunt Ann, and Uncle John. He then went to the Woodland Park Zoo for the first time. Here is a short movie.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Stacking Blocks

Alex has started a couple of new activities this week:
-- He started stacking blocks. He has always been good at knocking down towers, but he started building this week.
-- He will 'commando-crawl' (crawling nearly all arms with bent elbows) about a foot. He still prefers walking.
-- He had his one year checkup and everything looks good, but we need to keep treating his asthma.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Minnesota Trip

Alex visited his Grandparents in Minnesota this last weekend. He also made the trip to wish his cousin Diane congratulations on her high school graduation. He had a great time! But, just before he left Seattle, he caught a cold and his asthma was acting up a little bit. Here are some pictures:

And some videos:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Going Mobile

Alex can scoot around now on the rocket ship from Grandma Brady that he got for his birthday. He has not quite figured out planning destinations as far as I can tell, but he has crossed the room a few times. Here are a couple good recent videos (we don't have a great moving around in the Rocket video yet).

On the table:

With Mom's slipper: