Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Normal Week

Alex has had a good week at school. His new teacher doesn't give us reports, so we don't know what he does all day, but he seems happy. At home, he's been taking everything out of the drawers and cabinets. And he loves to look at his picture books and point at things.

Below are some pictures of Alex laughing because he kept biting Mom's toe and thought it was really funny

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Busy week

Alex has had a very good week. Alex is really working on his talking and standing skills. He is also becoming a very motivated student. Alex studies his picture books on his own nearly every evening and practices saying the words. He caught a cold late in the week and his asthma came back, but he seems to be recovering quickly.
Today he got to visit Grandma and Grandpa Felton and Uncle John and Aunt Ann. He had a great time with them while Mom and Dad were looking at houses. He gave Grandma Felton lots of kisses and hugs.
Here are some videos from this week (about 5 minutes run time):

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Exciting Weekend

Alex had a fun weekend. He mostly played at home but he did go to a free Gymboree class with Dad where he sang songs and he went to a new playground with Mom.

He likes to clap a lot now (picture below).

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun Day With Mom

Alex got sent home sick from daycare yesterday. Even though he isn't sick at all, we can't take him back til Monday so he had a fun day at home with mom. He is crawling and cruising all over. He likes to take everything out of cabinets.

Alex has mastered crawling. He will now cross rooms if he wants, but he usually prefers to be close to Mom or Dad. He also prefers to practice assisted walking. He will also now stand unassisted for a second or two at a time. Here is another crawling video.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Good Weekend -- Cruising

Alex had a good weekend. The big news is that Alex is really 'cruising' around which means he will lean on walls and furniture while walking to get around. When he cannot connect furniture pieces, he will drop down and crawl for a little bit. He is pretty fast. He can get from our living room to the far end of the kitchen in just a minute or two.

Grandma Felton and Aunt Ann played with Alex on Saturday while Mom and Dad went to a wedding. He went to his friend Corlan's birthday today. It was great and the best part was Corlan had a pool.

Here are a few minutes of video of crawling and cruising around.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008

Back to school tomorrow. Alex had a great weekend. Today he helped run errands and clean up around the house. He also went to his friend Oliver's birthday party:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

First Storm Game

Alex went to his first Seattle Storm WNBA game this evening. They played the team from Minnesota. It was a little bit loud, but he enjoyed looking at everyone and the jumbotron. It's not totally clear that he realized there was a basketball game going on, although he claps when he sees others clapping. He also enjoyed dinner at Uncle John and Aunt Ann's nice new house, the playground, and playing in the tent in the backyard with Dad.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Catch-Up Blog

As some of you have pointed out after seeing the recent videos, we need to catch-up the blog on a few developments.

First, Alex has been talking! His first word was "dog" a few weeks back. His g's were not very strong at first so we hesitated in declaring his first word. He loves to shout "dog" and point whenever he sees dogs or pictures of dogs. Sometimes he calls horses and bears dogs too, but he is starting to discriminate more. He also very frequently says "there" and points either as a question with inflection in his voice (what is that?) or just to point something out. He also says "Daddy", "Dad", "Mama", and "Mam", although it doesn't seem purposeful yet. Tonight at dinner he said "ahh done" and pushed his food away. I asked him if he was done and he repeated it. "done" is usually what we say to him when a meal is over. We'll see if he does it again tomorrow.

Second, he has started brushing his teeth twice a day this week. He likes to do it so far.

Third, he has started a wounded knee crawling. He is very close to full knee crawling, but he still looks a little wounded while he does it. He still prefers to practice walking. See the 3rd video below.

Today, Alex had a full day. He marched in our neighborhood's July 4 parade, he went to the playground, the zoo, and he played at home. Videos are below. We are looking for a higher quality video option than YouTube, but we have not found one yet. We are also posting the rest of the Park City Videos in a consolidated file down on the bottom. The videos are a little long.