Sunday, February 28, 2010

Julia Goes Swimming

This weekend we went swimming for the first time with Julia. She was very curious about everything and didn't cry, so we think she liked it. Alex definitely liked it. We also reunited with the PEPS kids at Gabe's house. And we went to the Gill's house for a party. Alex made cupcakes.

Julia has gotten really good at rolling over both ways, so she can travel short distances now doing so.

Here's Alex and Julia watching TV one morning.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


We had great weather this weekend; it did not rain! 

First, Alex and Julia had a great time at cousin Emily's birthday.  Happy Birthday Emily!!!!!

Second, they visited with some friends from Yakima. 

Then, they went to the Zoo to do some walking in the sun.  Julia is giving some more big laughs.  We catch the end of a laugh in the very short video below.

I love this picture because Juia and Mommy have the exact same tired expression on their faces.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Beach

Alex and Julia went to the beach on Lake Washington when it stopped raining on Sunday.  It was a little cold but still very fun!

Julia continues to impress us with how smart she is. She can already hold her own bottles!  A picture is below.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Julia trying to roll over

Here's a quick video of Julia. She likes to practice rolling over, although she hasn't yet figured out what to do with the arm that gets in the way.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Fun Weekend

We had another quiet but fun weekend. Alex was a little sick last week, so we kept our adventures close to home. We went bowling, played cars, and watched the Superbowl. Alex won 93 tickets at the arcade at the bowling alley and cashed them in for Tootsie Rolls. Julia practiced smiling a lot. She's also trying really hard to roll over from back to tummy.