Sunday, July 25, 2010

Alex Goes to Work

Alex did some hard work in the hot weather this weekend picking blueberries at Remlinger Farms. It was worth it for the blueberries. When we went to weigh our boxes of blueberries, Alex's box was mysteriously empty (but he did empty his box once into Daddys' box).

Alex and Julia also played with their friends Kay, Lila, Ben, and Emily at two different barbeques. It was lots of fun. They played bocce ball and soccer.

Julia is suddenly very good at saying "da da da" and "ma ma ma". It is not clear that she has identified the words with Mommy or Daddy yet, but we are excited. She is also now doing standing lunges to try to cover short distances without crawling. Maybe she is close to walking?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Alex and Julia are both so happy it's blueberry season. They ate 2 lbs in 48 hours. This weekend we also went to the beach, went to a bouncy house party, and played soccer. They also did great with a babysitter Saturday night. Alex said "I'll watch Julia and Maddy can watch me."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

Alex and Julia had a full weekend which was very fun:
-- Alex's Soccer
-- "Camp" while Daddy and Mommy played tennis
-- The Woodland Park Zoo
-- The Somerset Neighborhood Fourth of July Parade
-- Playing baseball and soccer with the neighborhood kids, including some big kids
-- Playing in the sand at Newcastle Beach -- the sun finally came out at 3pm on Monday
-- Evening fireworks in downtown Bellevue with an R&B band and then the Bellevue Philharmonic
-- The Mariner game on Monday

It was a very fun weekend. Alex is suddenly able to climb to the top of the playground at Safeco Field. He is also now able to stay up past 11pm if fireworks are involved. It was the latest he has been up since he was a baby. Julia slept through the fireworks with ear plugs in. Julia's favorite thing to say this weekend was "ya ya ya ya ya" in a very sweet voice.