Saturday, August 16, 2014

Busy and fun summer

We've had a great summer so far.

Alex has been going to camps every week.  His favorite was Minecraft camp.  He also liked Destination Science, Chess, and World Cup Geography.  Sports camps were ok.  And Slough Survival was his least favorite.  Outside of camp he has spent a lot of time at the pool and can now swim across.  Way to go Alex.

Julia has stayed at her school.  She only has 2 weeks left in preschool before pre-k starts.  She has gotten really good at reading, art, and swimming this summer.  And she's doing gymnastics.  Last weekend she participated in the kids dash of a local fun run.  It was maybe 400 yards.  She creamed anyone even close to her age group.  Then, at the end, she said she was disappointed with her time, so we ran the course again just for fun.  It is becoming clear that Julia has inherited some perfectionist tendencies.

Joanna has had a busy tennis season.  She won the WA State Open in doubles (35s) and got 2nd in singles.  And two of her teams go to playoffs in a few weeks.  Work has been incredibly busy as well, so there hasn't been much down time.  John has been very considerate picking up the slack with the kids.

John has been out for a few bike rides and has plenty of drama at work to keep him entertained. 

To celebrate our 15th anniversary we went on a backpacking trip to Esmerelda Basin.  Beautiful views.  Great to get away.  We'll be doing that more often.