Friday, July 20, 2007

8 lb 3 oz!!

Alex is now over 8 lbs. He saw his pediatrician this morning. He's been quite fussy the last 3-4 days. We're keeping our eye out for a possible yeast infection, but otherwise everything looks good and the fussiness is probably normal baby stuff.

Since he's over 8 lbs, he can now ride in the Baby Bjorn. We did a spin around the house and he really liked it. He likes being close to mom and he likes peeping out the side. It was raining so we stayed indoors.

We saw the lactation consultant in the afternoon. She was impressed with the progress Alex has made. Preemies tend to be behind full term babies in nursing because they get spoiled in the hospital. She gave us some good tips and expects Alex to continue to progress. Mom would love to not pump as frequently.

Alex went to a bbq at his friend Marie's house. It was his first time around a cat and his first time around little kids. He was also held by his old pal Julie who hardly recognized him since he's so big.

We're having computer problems. Our home computer appears to have a dead power supply so we're using the work computer, but it isn't letting us post photos. So you'll have to trust us that he's still really cute. Hopefully we'll fix this today.

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