Sunday, December 14, 2008

RSV Again

Alex was sent home from school on Friday with a fever. Joanna noticed a sign at school that said that one of the kids in Alex's class had been sent home with RSV. RSV is the virus Alex caught last year that hospitalized him for 4 days. His symptoms are nearly identical this year. There are many strains of RSV so kids can catch it many times, sometimes even in the same year.

Since Friday (it is now Sunday night), Alex has been fighting fever, tiredness, and vomiting. The difficulty breathing is the worst part. RSV causes bronchiolitis. But, Alex has not had to go to the hospital to fight RSV this time. He has been drinking fluids (he needed an IV last year) and eating mandarin oranges. Because he is sick, he has watched about 5 hours of Sesame Street even though he does not usually watch television.

He seems to be getting better. Tonight he was smiling and making his usual jokes about his belly-button and the 5 monkeys that fall off the bed.

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