Monday, March 12, 2012

March Madness

Alex has finished the entire Star Wars movie series -- all six films.  He seems to understand the entire plot but we skipped a few scary scenes and it took a lot of discussion.  If you have a spare hour, ask him why Anakin turns into a bad guy.  We have been playing Star Wars too and that usually ends in Darth Vader (Daddy) taking a beating.
Julia is now singing the full ABC Song (but sometimes without E, F, and G).  She has been very well behaved except at bed time some nights.  She prefers to sleep in full princess gear (tiara and frilly pink skirt).  And, she sometimes takes naps in her beach lounger.

Some of the pictures are from a cell phone camera this time.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I don't know that I understand George Lucas' insanity fueled script, so Alex has a leg up on me.