Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cultural Parade, T-Ball, Goodbye Dominique

We had a busy week.  Alex had a cultural parade at school on Friday.  He designed a shoebox float that represented Seattle.  He wore a Stewart plaid shirt as the costume of his heritage.  And he brought fruit salad as the food from his heritage.  You can see some great videos of the parade and the show that the kids put on.

Alex also had his first t-ball game.  He's on the Diamondbacks.  Despite the cold and rain, he had a great time.  The format is such that nobody gets out and everyone scores every inning.  The kids just focus on practicing their skills and having fun.  Alex did a great job keeping his head in the game (not easy when you're five).

We also said goodbye to our afternoon nanny Dominique who is headed to NYC for an internship.  The kids made her a nice card and gave lots of hugs.  We're hoping to manage without a nanny for a month or so and then hire a HS or college kid for the summer.

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