Monday, June 10, 2013

Busy June So Far

We've had a fun-filled few weeks.  First off was family camp at Camp Seymour, a YMCA camp near Gig Harbor, with OWS.  We did archery, rock climbing, canoeing, crafts, pinhuck, and camp fires.  Everyone had a blast.  Alex climbed up the climbing wall all the way to the top!  Mom couldn't even do that.

Then we had Alex's 6th birthday party with his friends.  It was at the bouncy houses at Arena Sports which was a big hit.  Alex has a nice group of friends.  The party was an army guy theme.

Then we had a Felton family reunion at Suncadia.  Alex's highlight was searching for missing golf balls with plans to sell them and use the proceeds on pokemon cards.  Julia's highlight was helping the girls win trivia pursuit with a series of lucky dice rolls.  Everyone enjoyed seeing their cousins and extended family.  Then, Sunday afternoon, Julia did some runs in the sprinkler to cool off.

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